Wednesday 24 June 2015

My Mini Me Yoga Bedtime Barry

by Amanda Friel ( and her son Barry a super mini me yoga teacher :-))
Mini Me Yoga Ambassador
Tralee Co. Kerry
Ph:087 161 2795

Mini Me Yoga Bed Time Routine- 
Barry's Mini Me Yoga Bedtime Yoga Flow!

Every evening my son and I do our mini me yoga bed time routine. It really helps us both to re-connect, release the day's tension and allows that opportunity to switch off and tune in to our own energy and we get family/communication/connection time together!

We begin with “Om”, today Barry's tummy is sore so he sends extra special positive energy of healing with the “Om”. 

After belly breathing,dragon breath and warm up, Barry decides to select 3 Cards for his mini me yoga bedtime flow!

He closes his eyes,tunes into his own inner teacher and mindfully selects one card at a time.

He says for each one 
“I am thankful to my Mom for taking care of me while sick today”
“ I am happy the pain in my tummy is gone”
“ I am flexible and healthy”
Cobra,Sun Pose and Eagle Pose – Yoga Postures were done, we will share more pictures,videos, benefits/fun in future blogs on these yoga postures.   
We finished with meditation creating a picture of affirmations/positive words together.  
Then it was time for hugs, good night and sleep tight! Mini Me Yoga where Dreams come true! 

Schedule of Training Dates with Amanda 
Location: Amanda's Yoga-Wellness-Healing,Collis Sandes House, Tralee Co.Kerry
27th June, 11th July 18th July – 2 Hour Intro.Mini Me Workshop for Adults
Time 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m 
1st July- 2 Hour Intro.Mini Me Yoga Workshop for Teenagers (ages 14-18)
Time 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m 
*** Launch of Mini Me Yoga “Explorer Club” ****
25th July, Time 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Monday 22 June 2015

NEWS FLASH: Explorer Club Yoga Cards have arrived !

They are here!

We are so excited to welcome our new poses into our daily 15 minutes of fun and our new manual with 15 quick and easy yoga classes for the children in your life.
Plus a fab mix and match section in the back of the manual to create hundreds of our own yoga classes.

Our Ambassadors are getting ready to launch the Explorer Club in their local areas....

Updates of where those Ambassadors are to come later in the week ....

Friday 19 June 2015

Mini Me Yoga Dog Pose

By Mini Me Yoga Ambassador Melissa O'Neill
Element: Water 
Affirmation: I am LOVE 

If your child suffers from indigestion and colic this is a great pose to relieve them of it. It energises the body and relaxes the brain - perfect for a homework break. The pose also lengthens and straightens the spine which is perfect for growing bodies. In adults it's great for everything - greasy hair, spots, tiredness, jet lag - do it whenever you can - it builds great strength and flexibility into the body.
In the 15 minute programme the pose is most fun when we jump from side to side and with smaller children we may even bark like a dog! All good fun and children love it!

If you are not sure how to do the Dog Pose then check out our video
Please note that all our 2hr Graduates (that have attended the 2 hr workshop)  get FREE access to a secure part of our website which has videos and more FREE Magick Yoga Card Game Ideas  

Workshops run by our Ambassador Melissa:
CARRYDUFF 28th June 
Newtownabbey 5th July
Explorers Club launch in BELFAST 16th August and   
BUNDORAN, IRELAND 13th September. 

                                    Contact Melissa on:

Thursday 18 June 2015

Mind Full, or Mindful?


Mindfulness is the new buzz word it would seem but what does it really mean?
To me children already practice mindfulness, they are in the now, they do not judge, they have no pre conceived ideas of how things ‘should’ be. They eat when they are hungry, they drink when they are thirsty… they cry when they are upset and laugh when they are happy.
As children get older they can struggle to cope with academic demands, feelings around friendships or just life in general.
So at what point does a child stop listening to their intuition, stop expressing their emotions and start fitting into our social and cultural requirements?
There is no one ‘right’ answer, as each child ‘learns’ from the adults around them. They pick up habits/patterns from the people that they love and trust.
As grown-ups we have a huge role to play in guiding and supporting the leaders of the next generation.
So when we think of bringing mindfulness to children, are we really bringing it to them? Or could it be that we are indeed relearning how to be a child in order for the children in our care to stay mindful in their approach to life?
If we take this approach then we can have peace of mind, that if we are willing to participate in these practices then the next generation, the leaders and creators of our world will use these techniques as part of their everyday life.
How can mindfulness help children?
∙ It gives them access to tools they can use when stressful situations arise in their life
∙ Makes them calmer and more fulfilled
∙ Makes them feel happier
∙ Allows them to enjoy whatever they are doing in life without the need to add stress
The Mini Me Yoga 15 minute programme is one way I have brought a daily practice of mindfulness to families and classrooms around the world, but there are many ways you can do this in your life.
Here are a few simple ways of being mindful with your children ….
1. Breathe – when we focus on our breath we are in the moment.
2. Love – when we send or receive love we allow all other negative thoughts to disappear, we become close to who and what we truly are…unconditional love for all, as it is said to be the key to peace on earth.
3. Laugh/Play – happiness makes us feel alive.
4. Connect – bonding or touch releases hormones in the physical body that brings instant peace.
5. Meditate – it doesn’t have to be cross legged and empty minded – we can create art, walk, dance or just listen to the sounds around us to bring the benefits of meditation into our life.
“If every eight year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”
Dalai Lama

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Welcome To Mini Me Yoga

There is an endless supply of self-help books and positive thinking workshops all devoted
to making us happier, healthier and more successful. They’re big business… and
desperately needed.

I’ve spent a lot of time doing, and teaching, self-help courses and reading positive
thinking books. Then one day I was suddenly hit with full force by the craziness of it.
Here we are still teaching children the same skills and behaviours in the same way which
created all these stunted, broken, unhealthy adults in the first place. We’re teaching them
things which we ourselves have had to spend years, and lots of resources, unlearning. This
is madness.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We know so much more than we did just a few short
years ago – about science, psychology, learning, the body and mind, how the spiritual
and material worlds are integrated. We have the knowledge… we’re just not applying it to
how we raise and teach our children. This is where the seed of Mini Me Yoga
took root.

Children are naturally full of hope, passion, energy and vitality. They already see the world
as full of possibility, potential and magic. All we have to do is harness and cultivate these
qualities in them. Rather than ignore and repress them as we do now.

In just 15 minutes a day, Mini Me Yoga introduces gentle,nurturing practices, you can help the children
in your care to strengthen their bodies, open their hearts and encourage them to know
deep within that they can be happy and successful in whatever they choose to do through our 2hr Workshop 
designed for Parents, Teachers and Childcare Providers. 

Welcome to the World of Mini Me Yoga